Sunday 7 December 2014

Big Things

I've been living in Chilliwack the past couple weeks in preparation for UFV's Christmas Production, and my boss at Academy Plus Painting has been giving me living and office space at his place while I make a website for him.  Odd thing is, I never figured I'd be doing this kind of stuff as a job after grade 11's work experience program.  Squarespace makes web design easy, I guess.

I'm creating an entirely new website where I can showcase my artwork and other creative projects, and maybe even start selling prints and commissions online.  The quality of my artistic work has gotten to  a level where I can produce quality work and get paid for it, so I might as well give it a try and see what happens. I may even migrate my blog over to it.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

In want of playtesters.

I just demoed the video game that I am currently calling "moment-um" for my new media class.  They were pretty impressed with what I accomplished in the time I was given. It's still a work in progress, and there are some some big bugs I need to clear out of it, but from what I showed, this is promising be worth putting on display or even putting a price tag on once I've tightened it up.  

So knowing that my current readership knows more about programming than I do, I'm putting out a request for playtesters to help me out by providing feedback and advice.  If anyone is interested please send me a reply either by Gmail, Google plus, or even here on the blog.