Monday, 2 July 2012

Alright, so where were we?

I managed to find a job for July/August painting houses, so that means I'll be able to get back to blogging in my off hours.  I'll try to make a new post twice a week, most likely trying to maintain a schedule of Thursdays and Sundays, as I will most likely have the most content and time on my hands.

So far, my board game review has received the most attention and positive feedback of all my posts, getting reposted by Lost Atlantis Games may have helped with that.  While board gaming is not my biggest hobby, I think I'll try to put more of these up there, assuming my gaming group can get a steady supply of new and interesting games.  I probably won't be reviewing board games that are already staples of most board game groups, such as Settlers of Cataan, Munchkin, Ticket to Ride or Carcassone.  If you still really want to find out more about the aforementioned games, Wil Wheaton has a pretty good web series called Tabletop, where he plays board games with other celebrities within the geek community.  

I probably won't post another D&D 5E recap until the playtest is over, in order to deliver a summary statement on what my thoughts on the game and where it stands in relation to previous editions of D&D and tabletop RPGs as a whole.  While I am involved in multiple Tabletop Roleplaying games at the moment, I don't think my blog is the best venue for posting recaps of sessions.  Again, if you want to see that stuff, you'll probably want to check my main group's forums, here.  However, if our group is trying out a new system for the first time, or I have something big and long to say about RPGs that I want to share with people both inside and outside the group, I'll be putting that up here as well.

I've stared to develop an idea for a board game in my mind, so I may be putting some of the details on here, depending on how/if it develops.  There's also been some talk in my group about working on a card game that we dreamed up the concept for as a group, and that may get further mention on the blog as well.

I'll also be putting up links to some of my digital artwork and youtube videos from when I was taking Video Production at UFV.  You'll probably be seeing some of that on Thursday.

I'll close with a couple shout out to a couple of my friends' blogs.  The first, is Ryan Domingo's Blog, What I Mean By "Hmm...".  His blog is what really insprired me to create my own.  He's been trying to maintain a posting rate of 1/day, and has been doing a decent job at that so far.  The content that he covers is quite different from my own, and largely focuses on music and movie reviews, as well as sharing his explorations regarding his development as a unique individual.  The other, is Fox Tails and Phoenix Down, which is where James Abrahams and his wife, Jacelyn, occasionally post bits and pieces from their life.  The overall gaming related content has decreased as of late, but that's understandable, as James is married now, and gaming has become a less significant factor in his life.  He is still trying to keep gaming as a regular aspect of his lifesyle, and is currently running a Warhammer campaign for our group.  However, his schedule is much busier as compared to other people in my close circle of friends, so he is typically unavailable for more spontaneous events.  James still has a passion for Lego on a hobbyist level, and is has been making some pretty rad things as of the past year.  Keep an eye on his blog in case he shares any of his creations on it.

I started this post, expecting it to be a quick "hey guys, I'm back!" but it looks like I managed to fit a fair bit of content in here after all.

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